Manually install Gradle and use it in Android Studio –

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  • Post category:World Tech

Development issue/problem:

I use Android Studio. To install and use Gradle manually in Android Studio.

I downloaded Gradle from, version

When I open the archive file, I see garbage cans, documents, etc. but I don’t know where to copy them. And also after copying the user manual to Android….

How can I solve this problem?

Solution 1:

Android Studio automatically uses the Gradle package and draws the correct version of Gradle, not the locally installed version. If you want to use a new version of Gradle, you can change the version used by the Studio. In the Android Studio project tree, open the file gradle/rarapper/ Modify this entry:


Solution 2:

Download and unzip the latest version of the Cradle distribution file and copy and paste all files into the download area:


Solution 3:

Step one: Go to the Gradle download page:

Step two: Unzip the downloaded zip file into a directory.

Step two: Press Ctrl + Alt + S (mac: ⌘ + ,) in Android Studio/Intelligence IDEA

Step three: Go ahead: Mounting, Execution, Implementation >> Tool Mounting >> Path (or enter Path in the search bar)

Step four: Please choose: (X) Use the local gradle distribution and install Gradle home in the extracted gradle directory. Click on the Apply button.

Step five: Delete unnecessary Gradal files, delete them:
– MyApp/gradle/

– gradlew

– gradlew.bat

Solution 4:

Let’s say it’s a windowing system and we use gradle-2.1-all [Applicable to any version of gradle, just change the version according to our needs].

All clamps can be found in section

Check the shell casing. properties
Check that the distribution URL is as follows


This is sufficient, because the conclusion is loaded automatically.

After following the steps above,
when you have downloaded the zip, paste into

This saves extra loading time.

Solution No 5:

1. Download the distribution of the crib diplomas.

2.unzip the file to a location

3. Open Android Studio : File > Settings > Cradle > Use local sorting distribution
to navigate to the path where you extracted the sorting.

4. Click Apply and OK.


Solution No 6:

That’s how I used it,

distributionUrl= file:///E:/Android/

And it worked for me.

Solution No 7:

Unpack it wherever you want. In Android Studio there is a Gradle category under Settings where you can specify the location of the external gradle if desired.
It probably makes sense to put the waste bin in the way for graduates.

Solution No 8:

Step one. Download the latest version of the Gradle distribution kit

Step two. Unpacking the distribution

Microsoft Windows users

Create a new folder C:Gradle using the file explorer.

Open a second file exploration window and navigate to the folder where the Gradle distribution was downloaded. Double-click on a ZIP archive to open the content. Drag the content folder of gradle 4.1 to the C:Gradle folder you just created.

You can also unpack the ZIP distribution from Gradle to C:Gradle using an archiving tool of your choice.

Step three. Configuring the system environment

Microsoft Windows users

In the File Explorer, right-click the This PC (or Computer) icon and select Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables.

In the System Variables section, select the Path option and choose Change. Add an entry for C:Gradlegradle-4.1bin. Click OK to save.

Step four. Check your installation

Solution No 9:

(Existing answers mention 2 solutions that could work, but preference is given to manually loading gradlew by gradlew, it lacks important details and leads to failure. So I would like to add a summary with the missing details to avoid unnecessary waste of time in case other people are facing the same problem).

There are two possible solutions:

Solution A: Use the location division and delete the files associated with that division. (not recommended)

See the reply to this message:

Tips :

  • I’ve tried it, it works, although it’s not recommended for degrees in general.
  • And with this solution, every time you open a project, androidstudio asks you if you shouldn’t use a gradlew instead, it’s a bit boring.

Solution B: Download the manual distribution of the diplomas. (recommended)

Android Studio loads gradle into a subdirectory called hash.
To load manually, you need to load exactly in the subdirectory called hash.


  • Take the hashish.
    • Start the android studio.
    • Make a basic project.
    • He will then make a hash and start loading the bushes.
      for example .gradle/wrapper/dist/gradle-4.10.1-all/4555itskqi2qtf0v2sja68alqd/
    • Shut down the android studio.
    • You can find the boot process using androidstudio.
      , for example ps -aux grep | android
    • Terminate all android-related processes.
    • Delete an empty project.
  • Download Gradel by hand.
  • Start Android Studio and try again.
    • Create another empty project.
    • So he doesn’t have to load the crib.
    • He unpacks the grappling hook in the same dirt.
      z. B. .gradle/wrapper/dist/gradle-4.10.1-all/455itskqi2qtf0v2sja68alqd/gradle-4.10.1/.
    • And starts synchronizing, indexing and creating dependencies.

Tips :

  • After restarting Android Studio & recreating an empty project, if you see that it is waiting for another process to download the distribution.
    This means that you did not complete the previous boot process. Finish it first, then remove the empty project and create a new one to reconfirm it.
  • Each version of Android Studio may use a different rating version, so you may need to repeat this process once when updating Android Studio.


  • Here is the directory layout on my Linux
    (for Android Studio 3.3.1, which uses Grad 4.10.1).

[protected email]:~/.gradle/wrapper$ tree -L 4

└ – Discs
└ – Gradle-4.10.1-all
└ – 455itskqi2qtf0v2sja68alqd
├ –

Introducing the Android studio

  • Because it’s so slow when downloading gradle mistrust in android studio.
    It is preferable to offer the possibility to select a local gradle installation file or a .zip file to use gradlew.

Solution No 10:

I don’t know why there are so many twisted descriptions of how to do
. Maybe because Android Studio (AS) is constantly being adapted/activated? Yet the process is so simple.

Assuming you have already installed Gradle in the correct directory, this means that you have probably also set an environment variable for GRADLE_HOME if you have not already done so, and that you restart AS.

To give you an example: GRADLE_HOME=C:Gradlegradle-5.2.1

Then switch on the AS and continue driving:
File > Settings > Assembly, Execute, Implement > Path

All you have to do is select: (o) Use local distribution of diplomas.
AS will tell you he found traces of your local crib:

Click Apply and Good and restart AS.

All data of the Gradle are now in the HOME directory, which is usually located here (in this case on Windows) :

# shaft -L 2 $USERPROFILE/.gradle/ | tail -n +2

├ – embedded scan data
│ -2.1
│ └ -2.2.1
├ -cache
│ -3.5
│ -5.2.1
│ ├──── can-3
─ ├│─журнал-1
─ ├│─модули-2
─ ├│─преобразования-1
─ ├│─преобразования-2
─ ├│─ support.txt
│ └─── user id.txt.lock
├── demon
─ ├│─ 3,5
─ └│─ 5.2.1
├── native
│ ├── 25
│ ├─── 28
─ └│─ yancy
├── messages
─ └── 5.2.1 1
├│─ employees
└── wrap
└─ readers

Tested with the latest version of AS 3.3.2.

Good luck!

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